A Field Guide in Colour to Bees and Wasps / Jiri Zahradnik / 1st edition, Blitz Editions (Bookmart) / Άριστη κατάσταση / 25 ευρώ
ISBN: 9781856054416, Paperback, 192 pages, Over 280 col photos & line illustrations
"Printed on good quality paper. This is a practical guide to bees, and wasps, including the solitary wasps. Written by a leading authority on hymenoptera, it illustrates 160 s
species in colour, with a key to identifying significant groups of European bees and wasps. Sections cover the many specialisations of this group of insects."
Το βιβλίο δεν έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί ποτέ. Έχει πλούσια εικονογράφηση και φωτογραφίες. Εξαντλημένο από τον εκδότη. Δυσεύρετο.
ISBN: 9781856054416, Paperback, 192 pages, Over 280 col photos & line illustrations
"Printed on good quality paper. This is a practical guide to bees, and wasps, including the solitary wasps. Written by a leading authority on hymenoptera, it illustrates 160 s
species in colour, with a key to identifying significant groups of European bees and wasps. Sections cover the many specialisations of this group of insects."

A Field Guide in Colour to Bees and Wasps
Buy A Field Guide in Colour to Bees and Wasps: NHBS - Jiri Zahradnik and Frantisek Severa, Blitz Editions (Bookmart)
Το βιβλίο δεν έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί ποτέ. Έχει πλούσια εικονογράφηση και φωτογραφίες. Εξαντλημένο από τον εκδότη. Δυσεύρετο.